Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Final marking

Fabienne, download the checklist from the website and use it assiduously to check that you have done every detail.
You haven't handed in either your preliminary site or your main site. The lack of the preliminary site loses you 15 marks. It makes my part of the work impossible to complete, and the exam board's advice is to penalise work that is late.

Monday, 4 April 2011

News and Events Page

This is my first draft for my 'Media and News' page, it's to be updated regularly (as a feed) to inform the audience of recent news connected to the charity and the latest events - and anything current in the media about the cause or related info.
I'd like to be able to create a scroll bar for this section, rather than having to visit older pages to view previous news.
I'd also like to incorporate a video at the bottom of this page (as a news article), which I will post intended shot lists in the next posts for it.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Website development using iWeb

Website Layout Sketches

 I have used this template of a guitar for the main focus of the Logo...
Here I used the font I found into the position I wanted and I have started creating my initial idea of having the font incorporating guitar strings. However once I started doing this, I felt the Logo looked stronger when it was simpler. So I am going to use this as my final Logo for my charity :
Today, I started creating my logo in Photoshop, using different fonts I found
I particularly like the last one I tried called 'Iarnold' font. I think I'm going to use this for my final design.

Logo Designs

I've decided to call my charity Listen Up and I've started to create the main Logo for the website...